Is there anything I need to know before I float?

Yes. It’s best not to shave (very salty water), drink coffee (the point is to relax very deeply), or have a large meal right before coming. Also if you have hair dye that will run we cannot have you float. The test for hair dye is to dry your wet hair on a white towel, if no color comes out you are good to float.

Can I really not drink coffee before coming to float?

It is true that coffee will negatively affect most people’s float. If you are used to drinking coffee every day and you must have it, limit it to a smaller amount before your float- whatever it takes so that you can still fully relax and enjoy your float - and then have your coffee after your float.

What if I'm claustrophobic?

What most people have a reaction to is being shut in to a small and/or dark place. No one is closing you in here. You have full control over the environment, including the lock to the float room and the lights.

Plus our float suites are deluxe. You will find it's actually very nice in there.

I don't float anywhere. I'm afraid I will sink like a rock.

You will float in the float pool! If not, then you are surely from outer space and you will never have to work again because scientists will pay to study you. Seriously though, eleven hundred pounds of Epsom salt dissolved in the water make the solution so dense that your body is pushed to the surface like a cork. Your eyes, nose, and mouth float out of the solution while your ears are underwater. We have silicone earplugs for you.

What is a “Twin Float”?

A Twin Float is two people floating in one float pool, which can be a very nice time together. We recommend you have a float by yourselves first, as the difficulty level of having a deeply relaxing and healing experience is higher than floating alone. Our float pools are 4’8” wide by 8’ long. Please be sure you know how big that is before you float together, it is an intimate experience.

Q: What is the difference between Float Rooms 1 & 2?

A: Float Room 1 is slightly more accessible for mobility impaired individuals, and for those who love the more open feel. And while Float Room 2 is still very accessible, it is more closed in for those who prefer this feel. Both of these rooms provide an equally amazing float quality.

Are there any restrictions on who can float?

While no one has EVER drowned in a float tank, we do have some proactive restrictions:

*Epileptics must disclose their epilepsy to us, be on medication, and have a note from their doctor saying they are safe to float.

*Please do not come under the influence of alcohol or drugs, with infectious diseases or with open skin wounds. While infectious diseases stand no chance of survival and propagation in the float tank, we want to protect the environment around it and keep an exceptionally clean facility.

*Individuals under the age of 18 must have a legal guardian present to float.

Is this sanitary? 

Yes. For many reasons. We start with high quality, made in the USA Epsom Salt. 1100lbs of salt in the 11" water depth creates "the high salt effect," which inhibits the growth of most pathogenic organisms right away.  Also the float environment receives very little artificial light and zero sunlight, which disqualifies many other organisms from growing. Also, since we require a shower with soap before the float and a bathing suit is not necessary, the amount of impurities coming into the tank is kept to a minimum.

On top of those natural safeguards, we add a rigorous sanitation and filtration regimen: In between each float session we clean the touchable surfaces with bleach and the entire content of the float pool passes through micron-sized filter 3 times! By comparison, the standard for pool filtration is a 1 time turnover every 6 hours. We keep a close eye on the chemistry of the water and we keep the filters clean.

Our water is crystal clear, and when you come out of your float you may notice how clean you feel. Epsom salt is amazing stuff, and human bodies tend to love it.

What is your policy for SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus)?

We are still operating as normal. Normal for us means we clean with Force of Nature sanitizer between every float session, and the water is triple filtered every time. The float rooms are private, and every guest has a shower before and after their float. Our space is 1,600 square feet and there is usually 2-3 people here at a time, with a max of 7. Pre-covid we kept things clean and post-covid we will continue to keep things clean. We do not wear masks while we work. You are of course welcome to wear a mask if you prefer, and if you are severely concerned with the idea of transmitting Covid-19 here at deep then it is probably best that you wait until things change and become comfortable for you.

Luke goes over the things to know just before getting in the pool in the 360 video below. For proper viewing open the video on a desktop or in the YouTube app on your phone and click the settings button and choose HD resolution.

How long should I float?

You will develop your own relationship with your float practice. While 75 minutes may sound too long to some, you may be surprised to find how fast the time goes sometimes, once time goes away :) Some floats are perfect after half an hour. Sometimes 2 hours is just barely enough. You can get out whenever you are ready to. We find the most benefit by getting in there and letting go as deeply as possible, and let the predetermined end of session lights be the guide. Note we do not offer discounts for shorter floats and one appointment cannot be split into two shorter appointments.

What if it's my moon time? (Ladies)

You know your body best. If some menstrual blood may come out in the pool we ask that you please reschedule, with no cancellation fee.

Can pregnant women float?

Yes! As Momma's body gets heavier, floating is a great relief from the pull of gravity. Also we have heard heartfelt testimonials of expecting mothers feeling a greater connection to Baby because of floating.

*We do suggest that pregnant women inform their physicians and/or midwives and get their opinion prior to floating. And please be extra careful getting in and out of the float pool.

More information on floating while pregnant:

A short blog on floating through all stages of pregnancy.  Written by Des Moines' Fadeaway Floatation Center owner Talia Chaffee.

Visual explanations of some popular body positions for pregnant floats.  Written by Leah Pellegrini for Float Tank Solutions.

How often do you float? 

One of the most remedial and enjoyable aspects of floating is that your brain gets to let go of constantly scanning the environment for change, danger, social triggers, balance adjustments, and so much more. During your first float, however, you are in a whole new environment (since fetal life anyway!) and your mind may take some time to assess the surrounds. This is the main reason we recommend that if you are new to floating, you should give it at least three tries. 

Experts agree that the benefits of floating increase with frequency. One float a week is great, and some choose to float at least a couple of hours every week.

All of these benefits sound amazing. Is there any science behind these claims?

Yes there is. Thankfully Clinical Floatation has put together past studies, and is continually updating their website with exciting new research on the benefits of floatation therapy. Dive in to this information, and let us know what aspects of floatation therapy are most exciting to you!

Great, how do I book an appointment?

Our online booking system works great if you’re keen, just click below. Otherwise you can give us a call at 605-718-1190. We will need a valid credit card in order to book.

75 minute float $69

Any more questions or concerns please just ask!

Don't be shy, we love talking about floating.